Employee Attrition and its Impact on National Cash Flow: A Case Study of the United States Economy in 2024


  • Paul O. Oyinloye
  • Jodian Campbell




Employee Attrition, U.S. Economy, National Cash Flow, Labor Market, 2024 Economic Impact


Purpose: This study investigates key drivers of attrition, including compensation, work environment, age demographics, and remote work dynamics.

Methodology: Using real-time data from industry reports and economic indicators, we analyze trends across various sectors and geographic regions.

Findings: The findings reveal that younger employees and those in lower compensation brackets are particularly prone to leaving their jobs, exacerbated by the growing demand for remote work flexibility. Furthermore, our analysis uncovers a strong correlation between attrition rates and economic factors such as unemployment and inflation, highlighting the broader economic impact.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study offers valuable insights for policymakers and business leaders aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of attrition on national cash flow and economic stability. By addressing the root causes of employee turnover, organizations can not only retain talent but also contribute to a more resilient economy.


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How to Cite

Oyinloye, P., & Campbell, J. (2024). Employee Attrition and its Impact on National Cash Flow: A Case Study of the United States Economy in 2024. International Journal of Economic Policy, 4(3), 46–62. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijecop.2227


