Reshaping the Irish Economy: The Impact of International Mergers and Acquisitions on the Irish Technology Sector (2021-2023)


  • Sara M Hassan ACSEL Management Consultancy



Mergers and Acquisitions, Strategic Realignment, Cultural Integration, Irish Technology Sector, Economic Impact, Regulatory Environment


Purpose: This dissertation examines the impact of international mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on the Irish technology sector between 2021 and 2023. It aims to assess how M&A activities have reshaped corporate strategies, influenced organizational culture, and contributed to the broader economic landscape, while identifying challenges and opportunities for involved firms. 

Methodology: A mixed-methods approach was employed, integrating quantitative survey data from technology sector professionals and qualitative insights from structured interviews with senior executives of companies engaged in M&A. The survey captured organizational perspectives on strategic realignment, cultural integration, employee morale, and economic implications. The interviews offered deeper context on leadership decisions, cultural adaptation, and strategic shifts post-acquisition. 

Findings: The research reveals that successful post-M&A outcomes were strongly linked to strategic realignment toward global expansion, product innovation, and operational efficiency. Firms leveraging M&A synergies experienced improved market positioning, faster innovation cycles, and streamlined operations. However, challenges such as cultural integration and maintaining employee morale were significant hurdles. Ireland's regulatory environment emerged as a facilitator, ensuring smooth transitions and compliance, although increased global competition posed both challenges and growth opportunities for local firms. 

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy, and Practice: This study advances academic discourse by highlighting the interplay between strategic realignment, cultural integration, and regulatory frameworks in post-M&A success. It provides actionable recommendations for technology firms to optimize integration strategies and for policymakers to maintain a supportive yet competitive regulatory environment. The findings also lay the groundwork for future longitudinal studies and cross-industry comparisons to deepen understanding of M&A dynamics. 


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Author Biography

Sara M Hassan, ACSEL Management Consultancy

Department of Business Consulting and ESG Strategy


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How to Cite

Hassan, S. M. (2024). Reshaping the Irish Economy: The Impact of International Mergers and Acquisitions on the Irish Technology Sector (2021-2023). International Journal of Economic Policy, 4(4), 1–24.


