Journal of Advanced Psychology 2024-03-17T02:39:58+03:00 Journal Admin Open Journal Systems <p>JAPSY is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research and reviews in psychology. It is hosted by CARI Journals, with ISSN: 2791-3244 (Online) and DOI: 10.47941/japsy. The journal covers various topics in psychology, such as clinical, cognitive, developmental, educational, health, personality, and social psychology. Authors who publish in JAPSY benefit from the high visibility, promotion, impact, citation, and recognition of their articles. They also keep the copyrights of their articles, and can share and distribute them freely. The journal is indexed in several databases, such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, Slicit, Crossref and others. The journal publishes monthly, and provides certificates and pdf copies to the authors. Authors can also order hardcopy prints on demand. Publishing in JAPSY is a great opportunity for authors who want to advance psychology as a science and a profession.</p> Gender and Age as Determinants of Environmental Perception 2023-12-19T01:43:52+03:00 Ifeanyichukwu. D Okoro E. K. N. Nwagu Sampson Monday Patrick Okoro <p><strong>Purpose</strong>: The main purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which gender and age account for the variations in the environmental perception of tertiary education students in Enugu Geographical Area, Enugu State.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: &nbsp;Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational research design. The study was conducted in Enugu Geographical Area, Enugu State. The population of the study comprised 29,364 tertiary education students in Enugu Geographical Area, Enugu State. The sample size of the study was 760 tertiary education students in Enugu Geographical Area of Enugu State. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to draw the sample size. Structured questionnaire developed by the researcher was used for data collection. The instrument was titled “Environmental Perception Scale” The instrument was validated by seven experts. Cronbach Alpha was used to establish the reliability of the instrument.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The instrument yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.77. Data collected were analyzed using mean score and standard deviation for research question one while linear regression was used to answer research questions 1-2. Regression ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses.</p> <p><strong>Unique Contributor to Theory, Policy and Practice:</strong> The findings of the study showed that the tertiary education students have positive perception of their environment in Enugu geographical area; that 46% of variation in students’ environmental perception is attributed to students’ gender with R value of 0.68 and &nbsp;value of 0.46 and there is a significant difference between gender and tertiary education students’ environmental perception and that 42% of variation in students’ environmental perception is attributed to students’ age with R value of 0.62 and &nbsp;value of 0.42 and there is a significant difference between age and tertiary education students’ environmental perception. Based on the findings of the study, relevant conclusions were drawn.</p> 2023-12-19T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Okoro, Ifeanyichukwu. D, Prof. E. K. N. Nwagu, Monday, Sampson , Okoro, Patrick Perception De L’échec Et Motivation Académique Des Etudiants En 2e Année En Faculté De Lettres Et Des Sciences Humaines A l’Université De Douala. 2024-03-17T02:39:58+03:00 Tadaha Moffo Achille <p><strong>But</strong>&nbsp;: L’examen de l’influence de la perception de l’échec sur la motivation scolaire des étudiants est l’objectif que se donne cet article.</p> <p><strong>Méthodologie</strong>&nbsp;: Pour atteindre celui-ci, les données de l’enquête de terrain auprès de 84 étudiants issus de la deuxième année en Faculté de Lettres et des Sciences Humaines (FLSH) à l’Université de Douala en situation d’échec sont soumises à des analyses descriptives et inférentielles.</p> <p><strong>Résultats</strong>&nbsp;: Les résultats du rhô de Spearman obtenus de l’analyse du questionnaire d’autoévaluation et du «&nbsp;motivomètre&nbsp;» relèvent que le niveau de motivation scolaire est très bas chez ces étudiants et cela semble dû à une mauvaise perception qu’ils ont construite autour de leur échec précédent. En effet, les analyses ont montré un effet positif et significatif des représentations sociales de l’échec, des clichés du nombre d’échec et des croyances autour de l’échec sur la motivation scolaire chez ces étudiants. Dès lors, il semble nécessaire pour l’Etat et les Universités en place de décider de rendre l’accès de ces étudiants plus facile aux cellules d’écoute et d’accompagnement psychopédagogique.</p> <p><strong>Contributeur Unique A La Théorie Politiques, Aux Et A La Pratique&nbsp;:</strong> Ceci par les moyens de la sensibilisation permanente et médiatisée sur l’importance de rencontrer régulièrement un conseiller d’orientation et/ou un psychologue scolaire. Et aussi la nécessité d’impliquer les familles afin d’influencer les cognitions sociales qui entourent l’échec scolaire et par la même occasion de réduire la déperdition scolaire.</p> 2024-03-17T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tadaha Moffo Achille