If you already have a PayPal account, the process of payment is simple. If you do not have a PayPal account, look for a friend who has PayPal and he can pay for you, and you can pay your friend back in your countries’ denomination. The PayPal payment procedure requires you to:
- Go to the Journal Hosting page,
- Decide on the particular journal you wish your article to appear in (or look for the journal that your article has appeared in)
- Click on add cart,
- Click on “Proceed to checkout”
- Fill in the billing details
- Select PayPal as payment option and click on “Proceed to PayPal”
Debit/credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
Acquire a debit card, if you don’t have one, they are easy to acquire, either free of charge or at minimal cost, for instance your ATM may be a debit card
- Go to the Journal Hosting page,
- Decide on the particular journal you wish your article to appear in (or look for the journal that your article has appeared in)
- Click on add cart,
- Click on “Proceed to checkout”
- Fill in the billing details
- Select “PesaPal Payment Options” and click on “Place Order”

Enter received M-PESA confirmation code in the text box then click on “Place Order”
Bank details for the following authors are available. You can request for them if you are unable to use Paypal, Pesapal (Mastecard/Visacard)i. USA residents only- Local transfers- USD/$/Dollar Account
ii. UK residents only – Local transfers- GBP/£/Pound Account
iii. Eurozone residents only- Local transfers- €/ Euro Account
iv. United Arab Emirates Residents only- Local transfers- AED/Arab Emirates Dirham Account
v. Africa and Diaspora Residents: Wire and Local Transfers-USD/$/Dollar Account
vi. East Africa and Diaspora Residents only: Local Transfers- KSH Account
- Only transfers from company/ business bank accounts are accepted for: USA, UK, Eurozone, UAE residents
- Individual/personal transfers are acceptable for Africa and Diaspora Bank Accounts