Health Education for University Students


Health education forms an important part of health promotion activities in the world. Health is regarded as the result of an interaction between individual and environmental factors. Health education focuses on building individuals’ capacities through educational, motivational, skill-building and consciousness-raising techniques. With greater understanding of the etiology of chronic disease, health behaviours have emerged as major contributors to premature morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Thus, modifying health behaviours has tremendous potential to reduce the human and economic burdens of disease through education and prevention. Behaviour change is complex and is most successful when resources align at the individual, interpersonal, and community levels. This book covers modules with grate explanation and illustrations: health education promotion, health and human behaviour, community participation for healthy lifestyle, health education communication, planning and implementation of health education promotion programmes, primary healthcare, tuberculosis disease, malaria disease, major communicable diseases, epidemiology in health education, water sanitation and hygiene, public health nutrition, fundamentals of nutrition, food science education, mental health education, medical biostatistics, medical toxicology, parasitology, environmental health safety management etc. In conclusion, health education, as one major component to the broader area of health promotion, provides a valuable contribution to the betterment of individual and community healthy lifestyle.

CategoryBook Chapters
Publisher:CARI journals and books publishers
Authors:Samuel Joseph Bebeley, Prince Tongor Mabey, George Benjamine Cole, Michael Conteh and Nyakeh Daniel Bruce Collier
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