Generation and Composition of Medical Waste in Lafia
Healthcare Waste, Management Practices, Environmental Hazard, Physical Planning and SustainabilityAbstract
Background: Effective management of medical waste is a prerequisite for efficient delivery of healthcare services, human health and environmental protection; and the availability of adequate data with regard to medical waste generation and composition is generally considered to be fundamental in the development of efficient medical waste management. However, in Lafia, the state capital of Nasarawa State, Nigeria and a rapidly developing town, there is inadequate information on the medical waste generation and composition. This study thus sets to evaluate the medical waste composition and generation in Lafia by direct observation during both rainy and dry seasons
Methodology: The study involved the survey of a cross section of three (3) tertiary health institution.
Findings: The study showed that there is significant variation in healthcare waste management practices and sustainability factors (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) (3Rs). The test showed that there prominent method of healthcare waste management at the studied institution was practice of incineration, pit burning and burying and frequency of waste disposal, leaving out other new and improved technologies for proper waste managements. This study aims to evaluate the medical waste generation and composition in Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria across public and private hospitals.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: It is anticipated that the outcome of this research will avail resourceful data that will be needed for effective hospital waste management and other planning and design works.
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