Leadership Perspective on Traditional Conflict Resolution in Ghana: evidence from Sayegu, Bunkpurugu/Nankpanduri District


  • David Suaka Yaro University of Technology and Applied Sciences. CKT-UTAS
  • Felix Y.T Longi UDS




Bunkpurugu/Nankpanduri District, Sayegu leadership, conflict resolution, alternative dispute resolutions


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore the leadership role played by traditional leaders in conflict resolution in the Sayegu Traditional Area.

Methodology: Participants were purposively sampled from five (5) communities upon their preparedness to take part in the study. An interview guide and oral recordings were employed to gather the primary data. Data analysis was done qualitatively and where appropriate direct quotations were used to support the main analysis.

Findings: The study suggests that traditional leadership plays a central role in conflict resolution. Political leadership recorded a minimal role in conflict resolution. Chiefs and the Council of elders were the most instrumental in matters of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Chiefs presided over conflict cases brought or summoned up to the Palace while the Council of elders offered counselling roles to the chiefs. District Chief Executives with the help of the Regional Security Council provided resources to calm tensions between conflicting factions.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: Some of the recommendations include traditional leaders should be encouraged to develop more affectionate relationships with key actors irrespective of their differences in political, tribal, clan, family, and religious attachment.


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Author Biographies

David Suaka Yaro, University of Technology and Applied Sciences. CKT-UTAS

Department of Mathematics & ICT Education

Felix Y.T Longi, UDS

Faculty of Communications and Cultural Studies


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How to Cite

Yaro, D. S. ., & Longi, F. Y. (2022). Leadership Perspective on Traditional Conflict Resolution in Ghana: evidence from Sayegu, Bunkpurugu/Nankpanduri District. International Journal of Conflict Management, 3(2), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijcm.1150


