African and Western Concepts of Spirituality and the Transcendence of God: A Case Study of Sub-Sahara African Christians in Finland
African, African concepts, Western concepts, spirituality, transcendence of God, and Christians.Abstract
Purpose: Through evangelism and missionary activities, Western Christian spirituality influences the lives of many people, both individually and collectively, and in many cultures around the world including the Sub-Sahara African region. This article aims to examine spirituality and the various ways in which to recognize it from the perspectives of both Sub-Sahara African and Western concepts. It also examines the secularization of Finnish churches and how this shapes the spirituality of Christians originating from Sub-Saharan Africa living in Finland.
Methodology: The argument is presented through an analysis of existing literature and documents on the matter.
Findings: The findings show that secularization had negative consequence to many churches in the Western countries. Consequently, Sub-Sahara African Christians are setting up their own ecclesiastic congregations in many cities of Finland.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: It is therefore important for individuals to belong to groups where the numbers share visible characteristics, values, and convictions.
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