The Decolonisation of Religion and Spirituality: A Case of Shembe Philosophy
Shembe Philosophy, Decolonization, Religion, Spirituality, Organic Christianity, Religious Rights.Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this scholarly work or study in the sight of the public is not crafted to drive or to win any theological debate or argument but I simple seek to advance the understanding of Shembe in the specific area of His philosophy not the holistic Shembe. This I say because no one on earth can claim in totality that he or she has a better understanding of Shembe, hence choosing the concept of philosophy which is the critical examination of ground fundamental beliefs and analysis of concept, doctrines, and practices was relevant for this academic paper.
The process of decolonization has been a significant area of scholarly inquiry in various fields, including religion and spirituality. Shembe philosophy placed a strong emphasis on cultural revival and the restoration of African spiritual practices. The movement sought to reclaim African spirituality while accommodating certain aspects of organic Christianity. Central to Shembe philosophy was to reconnect the so-called lost generation of Abantu in the ancestral connection, the veneration of ancestors, and the preservation of African traditions (Wababa, 2018). The complexity of such role from Jehovah was delicate and crucial. Isaiah Shembe known as Umqaliwendlela would hear a voice singing new unexpected words.
Methodology: A qualitative study method, interprevist paradigm and phenomenological design was employed in this study to enable a comprehensive exploration of the experiences, perspectives, and practices within Shembe communities.
Findings: The study findings revealed that the key principles and teachings of Shembe philosophy have a massive influence and understanding of decolonization in guiding the community's beliefs and practices. The community have incorporation of Shembe philosophy into their daily lives for decolonial transformation. The findings further revealed although numerous challenges faced by the Shembe community in their pursuit of decolonization and cultural heritage preservation, but the post-colonial era in South Africa has made much better to defend His philosophy using the current constitution chapter 2 which clearly stipulated in the Bill of Rights, which states that everyone has right to freedom of religion, belief, and opinion. Section 9, the equality clause, prohibits unfair discrimination on various grounds including religion. Shembe fought spiritual the above religious right from as early as 1900 until the formation of the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), later known as the African National Congress (ANC) on the 08 January 1912.
Unique Contributor to Theory, Policy and Practice: In conclusion, the Shembe philosophy has a lightning influence in guiding the community's beliefs and practices. The post-colonial role of Shembe philosophy in the decolonization of religion and spirituality requires further exploration and development.
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