
  • Ebenezer Fai
  • Olugbenga Samuel Olagunju



New Testament, Apocrypha


There was a considerable debate among the early church fathers about which books ought to be included in the New Testament Canon and which ought to be omitted. Those which were omitted from  the New Testament Canon were known as Apocrypha. This paper is eclectic in nature as the researchers use both descriptive and analytical methods. The findings reveal that the reasons for their not being canonized were that they were not inspired and lacked apostolic authorship. Their writings claimed to add missing details of the canonical books, and some wrote just to satisfy curiosity. The findings also reveal the importance of providing extracanonical traditions about the life and teaching of Jesus not found in the canonized books. They provide some information about Jesus and the apostles lacking in the New Testament. They contain traditions that can be etched back to the very beginning of Christianity. They are indispensable to understanding the theological environment of the first century. The study is essential as it educates on the general understanding of which books comprise the New Testament Apocrypha and how they can help one understand some missing information about key New Testament actors not discussed in the New Testament. The researchers recommend that though these writings cannot stand on a par with the canonized books of the New Testament, they should be studied for their rich historicity. Their knowledge contributes immensely to the understanding of the New Testament.


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How to Cite

Fai , E. ., & Olagunju, O. S. (2022). NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA. International Journal of Culture and Religious Studies, 3(1), 1–17.


