Effect of Control Functions on the Financial Performance of Saccos in Meru County


  • Ann Kinya Nyumoo Kenya Methodist University
  • Prof. Felix Mwambia Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Nancy Rintari Kenya Methodist University


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Control functions, financial performance, Sacco, Meru county


Purpose: To examine the effect of control functions on the financial performance of Saccos in Meru County.

Methodology: The study adopted a cross-sectional mixed design method. The study targeted a sample size of 96 respondents arrived by multiplying 4 respondents in the 24 Saccos as a basis of analysis who were operation managers, senior risk managers, internal auditors and accountants in the 24 Saccos selected Saccos in Meru County. Data was collected through use of closed-ended questionnaires and the output presented descriptively by use of mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics such as correlation coefficient β, coefficients of determination R and P-values was used from a multiple regression equation to measure the direction, strength and significance of the relationship between control activities and financial performance of Saccos. ANOVA was utilized to verify the goodness of fit of the model.

Results: The study indicated that there was significant relationship between control functions and financial performance of Saccos in Meru County.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The study contributed uniquely that there was a positive effect of control functions on the financial performance of Sacco banks in Meru County. The control functions should be readily available and continually updated by Sacco managers as they are the heart of the Saccos. If the functions are not working then it means the operations will eventually be paralyzed. This can be achieved by ensuring the guiding policies and guidelines are always available at the disposal of the user. Reviews should also be done regularly by Sacco regulators such as SASRA so as to ensure they are not outdated and to match the changing needs of the market and functional requirements. It is also recommended that physical control should always be done by operations heads in Saccos to avoid laxity from the operations. The approach of contingency theory to the study explained how the design and function of organizations are affected by conditional factors such as technology, organization customs, and the external environments. Different organizations have different organizational structure and their effectiveness is determined by a blend of the right type of organizational structure, organization size, environmental volatility, and technology. When the functions are well controlled by Sacco boards, updated performance of the entire system is enhanced.


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Author Biographies

Ann Kinya Nyumoo, Kenya Methodist University

Post Graduate student:Kenya Methodist University

Prof. Felix Mwambia, Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer: Kenya Methodist University

Dr. Nancy Rintari, Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer: Kenya Methodist University


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How to Cite

Nyumoo, A. K., Mwambia, P. F., & Rintari, D. N. (2020). Effect of Control Functions on the Financial Performance of Saccos in Meru County. International Journal of Finance, 5(1), 32–43. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijf.429


