Barriers to access and utilization of health services among marginalized communities in sub-Saharan African countries: Scoping review
Barriers, Health services, Knowledge, Community peopleAbstract
Purpose: This scoping review aimed to investigate the barriers encountered by marginalized communities in sub-Saharan African countries when accessing and utilizing healthcare services.
Methodology: The scoping review was evaluated through online databases like the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline and SCOPUS review according to the barriers to accessing and utilizing health services among marginalized communities in sub-Saharan African countries. The scoping review identifies the articles from the topic through the online databases using the including and excluding criteria.
Findings: The findings identified the barriers to healthcare access, lack of communication and language, and not sharing the proper health details with the healthcare professional. The findings also demonstrated the implications and consequences such as health disparities, economic burden, social and human rights implications, loss of productivity and development, public health implications, and reinforcing social exclusion.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This scoping review illuminates the intricate nexus of socio-economic factors, cultural dynamics, and human rights awareness as barriers to healthcare access in sub-Saharan Africa. The findings offer actionable insights for healthcare practitioners to customize services for marginalized communities, addressing communication gaps and information-sharing reluctance. Moreover, policymakers can utilize these insights to advocate evidence-based policies aimed at promoting equitable healthcare access and enhancing health literacy. Thus, this research serves as a vital conduit between theoretical understanding, practical application, and policy formulation, facilitating the advancement of inclusive and equitable healthcare delivery in the region.
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