A Qualitative Assessment of Healthcare Providers’ Insights towards Utilization of Symptothermal Method to Ameliorate Unmet Need for Family Planning among Women in Kisumu County, Kenya


  • Catherine Erosie Igben-Pender Maseno University, Kenya
  • Peter Omemo Maseno University, Kenya
  • Gideon Ng’wena Maseno University, Kenya




Healthcare Provider, Family Planning, Qualitative Assessment, Symptothermal Method, Unmet Need.


Purpose: To attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) 3- target 3.7, that highlights the need to improve women’s sexual and reproductive health status through means including family planning, information and education, a safer family planning method that could ameliorate unmet need for family planning, is urgently required. Healthcare providers’ knowledge and perception of natural family planning might influence decision of women interested in Symptothermal method (STM). We investigated healthcare providers’ factors influencing utilization of STM as a strategy to ameliorate unmet need for family planning among women in Kisumu County, Kenya.

Methodology: Focus group discussion technique was used involving 14 healthcare providers and 8 STM users purposively selected. Phenomenology approach to enquiry which aims to investigate experiences from the perspective of the participants was adopted. Reflexive Thematic analysis was used. Data were transcribed and the thematic codes categorized were applied to assess all focus group transcripts. Dedoose 9.2.005 software was used for the analysis.

Findings: Three themes were identified. Disclosure of untapped demand emerged as a significant insight, with healthcare providers admitting their previous oversight of the role of STM as part of other family planning methods. To ensure the successful integration of STM in healthcare facilities, healthcare providers identified training and community awareness as primary strategies. A major challenge identified was limited dissemination of information to clients, with healthcare providers often prioritizing and promoting contraceptive methods in which they are more confident.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Comprehensive training would play a pivotal role in fostering a thorough understanding of STM among service providers. This understanding would instill confidence in healthcare providers, empowering them to effectively convey information to clients with assurance and clarity.


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Author Biographies

Catherine Erosie Igben-Pender, Maseno University, Kenya

Department of Public Health, School of Public Health and Community Development

Peter Omemo, Maseno University, Kenya

Department of Public Health, School of Public Health and Community Development

Gideon Ng’wena, Maseno University, Kenya

Department of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine


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How to Cite

Igben-Pender, C. E., Omemo, P., & Ng’wena, G. (2024). A Qualitative Assessment of Healthcare Providers’ Insights towards Utilization of Symptothermal Method to Ameliorate Unmet Need for Family Planning among Women in Kisumu County, Kenya. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 6(6), 14–30. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijhmnp.2211


