Effects of Health Care System Responsiveness On Diabetes Management Among the Patients Seeking Care at St. Mary's Mission Hospital in Nairobi


  • Zipporah Wawira Njiru Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Prof. Dr.B.A. Mulemi Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Dr.S. Ngacha Njeri Catholic University of Eastern Africa




Health Care System Responsiveness, Diabetes Management


Purpose: Diabetes is one of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) of great global public health and development concern. This NCD has adverse effects on the social well-being of patients, their households, and the whole society. The overall objective of this study was to determine the effects of health care system responsiveness on diabetes management among the patients seeking care at St. Mary's Mission Hospital in Nairobi.

Methodology: This study drew on descriptive study design, involving quantitative and qualitative methods, particularly closed and open questions. The sample size was 269 respondents included in the study through purposive and convenient sampling. These sampling techniques were preferred in this research since data was gathered from the respondents during their visit to the hospital. The researcher collected data through interviewer-administered questionnaires containing both open and closed questions. Qualitative data was grouped, coded, and categorized, picking on cross-cutting issues, then compiled, analysed, and interpreted accordingly. Quantitative data was coded then entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 for windows. SPSS was used to run frequency distributions and cross-tabulations for analysis and interpretation, and Microsoft Excel was used for graphical presentation.

Findings: The study established unequal distribution of health care facilities for diabetes management across the Counties in Kenya. This leads to a late diabetes diagnosis. The respondents reported that the health care system in Kenya does not offer an affordable quality of care to diabetes patients. This makes some patients skip days or weeks without medication.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends the hospitals to form support groups or devise other forums for patients' education and encouragement on diabetes management. They should also look into the possibilities of having diabetes services in one building. This would ensure rapid diagnostic tests and treatment for diabetes patients.


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Author Biographies

Zipporah Wawira Njiru, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

School of Arts Social Sciences

Prof. Dr.B.A. Mulemi, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

School of Arts Social Sciences

Dr.S. Ngacha Njeri , Catholic University of Eastern Africa

School of Arts Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Njiru, Z. W. ., Mulemi, B., & Njeri , S. N. . (2022). Effects of Health Care System Responsiveness On Diabetes Management Among the Patients Seeking Care at St. Mary’s Mission Hospital in Nairobi. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 4(1), 28–47. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijhmnp.896


