Toxoplasmosis in Public Health: Risks, Diagnosis and Therapeutic
Toxoplasmosis, Toxoplasma gondii, Clinical aspects, Parasitic infection.Abstract
Purpose: Based on the notoriety of the prevalence of the disease in the current context, this paper aims to cite the main forms of treatment currently applied, highlighting the particularities of each medication used, in addition to highlighting the future perspectives in relation to the disease and preventive measures.
Methodology: To produce the article, a literature review was carried out based on books, epidemiological and experimental papers through searches in Google, academic databases and PubMed.
Findings: Recent studies show a possible relationship between toxoplasmosis and other diseases of the Central Nervous System, such as Parkinson's. Despite years of research aimed at producing an effective vaccine against the disease, it has not yet been possible to obtain one, although there is progress.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: By reviewing data already present in the literature, it is possible to better clarify which are the best forms of diagnosis, as well as the development of new treatments. The graphical analysis of the results indicated fewer studies about risk factors and prevention methods, showing a lack of discussion about these topics and a need to spread this information to try to lower the prevalence of the disease. Therefore, the evolution of disease diagnosis techniques helps in the beginning of treatment, preventing the worsening of the condition in more susceptible people.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Isabelle Santos Rosa de Souza, Giullyane Tardivo Costa, Olga Maria de Jesus Souza, Gabriella Oliveira Alves Moreira de Carvalho, Sergian Vianna Cardozo, Sergio Henrique Seabra, Fabio da Silva de Azevedo Fortes

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