Effect of Student Perception on Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools in El'arish in North Sinai Governorate in Egypt


  • Emmanuel BYIRINGIRO Mount Kenya University




Students "˜perception, teaching and learning, mathematics, and students


Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of students "˜perception on teaching and learning Mathematics students in public Schools in El'arish in North Sinai Governorate in Egypt. The hypothesis of the study was formulated and tested to guide the study.

Methodology: The survey research design type was adopted and the targeted population of one hundred and ninety-nine (119) respondents composed by 5 principals, 16 mathematic teachers and 98 students from senior secondary schools, were sampled by using stratified sampling and sample random sampling techniques. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis through the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 21. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression.

Findings: The results of the findings indicated that the students' perception was more correlated with teaching and learning Mathematics (r = 0.822; p= 0.000). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that students "˜perception contributed to 70.2% of variation on the performance, hence plays a vital role in teaching and learning Mathematics students in secondary schools in El Arish in North Sinai Governorate in Egypt. Additionally, the relationship between perception and students Mathematics performance in the study was very strong.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that Mathematics teacher should be diverse in their use of methodology which can as well help their student in their own area of learning mathematics.


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Author Biography

Emmanuel BYIRINGIRO, Mount Kenya University

Phd candidate in Education Department


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How to Cite

BYIRINGIRO, E. (2024). Effect of Student Perception on Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools in El’arish in North Sinai Governorate in Egypt. International Journal of Modern Statistics, 4(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.47941/ijms.1613


