Assessment of Organizational Capacity in Implementation of the Kenya Mental Health Policy [2015-2030] in Kisumu County
Mental Healthcare, Policy Implementation, Organizational CapacityAbstract
Purpose: This study was conducted to assess organizational capacity in the implementation of KMHP 2015-2030, in Kisumu County, Kenya, focusing on the availability of mental health services, financial resource allocation, and human resource capacity at public level 4 and 5 facilities.
Methodology: The study utilized a mixed-method design with data from administrative representatives. Census sampling included 22 facilities, and 12 key interviews provided qualitative data. Quantitative analysis included frequency count, percentage scores, multiple response crosstabs, and Fisher’s Exact test at a 0.05 significance level while qualitative data employed thematic analysis.
Findings: Reveals substantial shortcomings in the organizational capacity of level 4 and 5 public health facilities to provide adequate mental health services. Only 4.5% of level 5 facilities offered child mental health services, with 13.6% providing care for adolescents. Rehabilitation services for substance use disorders are available in 6.9% of level 5 facilities, while a concerning 41.4% of level 4 facilities do not offer any mental health services at all. Financially, 22.7% of facilities had allocated budgets for mental healthcare while 77.3% had no dedicated funds. Availability of specialized mental health professionals is notably limited.
Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The current study recommends expanding mental healthcare services to fill gaps in specialized care, increase financial allocation for mental healthcare, investing in the recruitment and retention of mental healthcare professionals as well as prioritize ongoing training and professional development of staff involved in mental healthcare delivery. This will improve the effective translation of KMHP [2015-2030] actions into practice.
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