The Factors Affecting the Economic Empowerment of Solo Parents in Quezon City
Child Care Arrangement, Economic Empowerment, Financial Resources, Employment Status, Educational AttainmentAbstract
Purpose: This study examines the factors influencing the economic empowerment of solo parents in Quezon City, focusing on financial resources, demographics, and childcare arrangements.
Methodology: This study gathered data through an online survey. This format allowed for wider reach and easier access for potential participants within Quezon City. A primary data analysis technique for this study was linear regression modeling. This statistical method has been used to examine the relationships between the variables.
Findings: Employment status emerged as a significant predictor of economic empowerment, with being employed positively associated with higher levels of empowerment. Chi-square tests revealed significant associations between economic empowerment and gender and employment status. However, the model's low R-squared (3.69%) suggests that other factors influence economic empowerment. While significant, the model highlights the complex nature of economic empowerment for solo parents.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy, and Practice: This study extends Human Capital Theory by demonstrating the complex interplay of factors, beyond education, in shaping the economic empowerment of solo parents in Quezon City. Findings highlight the critical role of employment, while also acknowledging the influence of factors such as childcare and access to resources. This research provides valuable insights for developing targeted interventions that support solo parents and enhance their economic well-being.
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