E-Governance and Bureaucratic Corruption in Nigeria
E-governance, Corruption, Bureaucracy, Bureaucratic Corruption, E-governmentAbstract
Purpose: This paper is an inquiry into the issue of bureaucratic corruption in Nigeria and how e-governance can serve as a panacea. The purpose of the paper is to assess the link between e-governance and bureaucratic corruption in Nigeria. Public officials' perceptions of bureaucratic corruption and e-governance in the country are also examined.
Methodology: The paper brings together anecdotal and statistical evidence that indicates a significant nexus between e-governance and reduction of bureaucratic corruption. It is based on surveys with the use of a structured questionnaire. Conclusions are drawn from the combination of descriptive and inferential analysis. The survey covers a total of 125 respondents using random sampling.
Findings: Principally, the paper reveals that bureaucratic corruption is visible and rampant in Nigeria and a great number of people are of the view that e-governance can help in curbing bureaucratic corruption in the country. The results suggest that e-governance initiatives, if genuinely implemented, will result in the reduction of bureaucratic corruption in Nigerian public sector. This reduction in bureaucratic corruption will further have a positive effect on the society in achieving good governance and societal harmony.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: To this end, the paper briefly provides a theoretical discussion of technology and bureaucratic corruption as held by different scholars, including Marx and Smith, Joseph, Ekeh, and Ake. It explains that e-governance is gaining popularity as a mechanism for enhanced public service delivery in underdeveloped and developing countries. It also argues that e-governance is capable of reducing bureaucratic corruption risks via improving public officials' monitoring and ensuring that the need for citizen interaction with gatekeepers for key services is reduced.
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