Candidate's Physical Attractiveness as a Consequence in an Election
Physical attractiveness, Election, political parties, victory, voterAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to deconstruct election results within the framework of candidate's physical attractiveness. There is a mounting fear that modern-day political institutions are not presenting candidates with the social aptitude that they need to become successful in election processes. This deficiency has placed a growing burden on political parties to boost the victory of their candidates by making sure that the process of selecting candidates transforms into a rewarding time of political victory. In view of the countless contestations and proof of the dearth of social abilities in political parties, the emphasis of this article is on how political parties in Uganda can identify appealing candidates for the modern-day voter.
Methods: By means of a desk review technique, definitions are given as well as an earlier theory as a basis for a projected model of enhancing candidate victory.
Findings: The findings reveal that candidate's physical attractiveness contributes positively towards the election outcome given that candidates that are physically less attractive are likely to score lower in an election.
Unique contribution of theory, practice and policy: The study suggests that to neglect the power of a candidate's physical attractiveness in an election is comparable to surrendering election victory to the opponent. For effective application, political party leaderships should include the elements of physical attractiveness in their strategic plans when choosing candidates for the next election cycle.
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