
  • Busieney Kipsang University of Nairobi
  • Mirie Mwangi University of Nairobi




factors, accounting services, small and medium enterprises in Kenya


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing the use of accounting services by small and medium enterprises in Kenya

Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. A survey was done to establish the factors among owners of SMES in Kenya. There are about 850 such establishments in Kenya of which a sample of 85 firms was taken using stratified random sampling. Data was collected by use of questionnaire method which had both structured and unstructured questions. It was analyzed mainly by use of descriptive statistics such as the mean and inferential statistics such as regression.

Results: The study findings revealed that knowledge and competence of the respondents was poor, there was high competition among the SMEs, the respondents had low levels of compliance with accounting legislation and the SME growth was low. In addition, the study findings revealed that there that the SMEs did not use accounting services. The study found that there was positive and significant relationship between knowledge and competence, competition, legislation and SME growth in size.

Policy recommendation: The study recommended that training be emphasized as it has an effect on the use of accounting services. There is need to for management to emphasize on use of qualified accountants in order to face the competition facing the SMEs, the management should emphasize on good and proper book keeping of financial records and the SMEs to use services of qualified accountants so as to enhance growth of the business.


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Author Biographies

Busieney Kipsang, University of Nairobi

Post graduate student

Mirie Mwangi, University of Nairobi



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How to Cite

Kipsang, B., & Mwangi, M. (2017). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE USE OF ACCOUNTING SERVICES BY SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN KENYA. Journal of Accounting, 1(1), 44–59. https://doi.org/10.47941/jacc.68


