Family Support and Social Reintegration of Adolescent Offenders in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo
Conflict, Family environment, social reintegration, family support, family attitude, parenting styleAbstract
Purpose: Having a strong family support is one of the most important factors contributing to successful rehabilitation and especially among adolescent ex-offenders and thereafter gain a sustainable livelihood. This study sought to examine the role of family support in the social re-integration of adolescent offenders in Kinshasa city. The study was grounded on strain theory as proposed by Merton (1957) as well as pm system theory.
Methodology: Mixed methods research approach focusing on explanatory sequential design was adopted. Data was collected from a sample of 345 individuals including 330 adolescents and 15 key informants using questionnaires, FGDs, and key informant interviews. The study participants were selected from three localities, Kisenso, Limete, and Matete and Kisenso, using stratified sampling technique and purposive sampling.
Findings: Findings on adolescent offenders' perception on family support indicates that, 10% (n=33) of adolescent offenders expressed low perceptions of family support; 82.7% (n=273) had moderate perception of family support while 7.3% (n=24) have high perceptions of the support received from family members. The study also found a positive albeit rather weak correlation between family support and social reintegration of adolescent offenders, with a Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) 0.377. From the findings, the ANOVA tests revealed that, family support (F=1.962, p=0.018) has statistically significant influence on social reintegration of adolescent offenders. The study concludes that, family support was found to be a predictor of social reintegration as family financial, material, and emotional support is needed to influence readjustment and social functioning of affected individuals.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: From the study, it was recommended that, different stakeholders including the government, NGOs, the religious organizations and individual philanthropists should support the family in her role to provide material and non-material support towards their adolescent ex-offenders for effective social re-integration.
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