Influence of Crime Reduction Initiatives on Maintenance of Law and Order. A Critical Literature Review


  • Phyliss Weru Kenyatta University



Purpose:  Since the formation of nation state until 1980's and 1990's, strong national governments have dominated the world resulting to either absentee or weak regional governments. Apart from Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Yugoslavia, all other European Countries as well as in Africa and Asia, have had central governments throughout the post-world war II. The overall objective of this study was to examine influence of crime reduction initiatives on maintenance of law and order in Kenya. A critical literature review

Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps.

Findings: The study concluded that on crime reduction initiatives, the government does not provide opportunities for the members of the public to report crime, and does not encourage public participation on matters affecting the public. The county government also does not support formation of social groups for purposes of promoting social values and is not involved in reconciliation of conflicting communities.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: This study recommended that the government should focus on management of public transport and give the youth support in the sporting activities. It should also focus on campaigning against drug abuse, alcoholism and publicizing the sports calendar. The government should put measures in place to reduce the number of reported crimes and resolve social issues quickly to avoid conflicts in the county. The existing laws need amendment to be supportive enough for the county government on maintaining law and order. The national government should also provide more supportive role in ensuring the county governments succeed in their mandate of maintaining law and order.


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Author Biography

Phyliss Weru, Kenyatta University

School of law




How to Cite

Weru, P. W. (2022). Influence of Crime Reduction Initiatives on Maintenance of Law and Order. A Critical Literature Review. Journal of Modern Law and Policy, 3(1), 29–39.


