About the Journal

The International Journal of Arts, Recreation and Sports by CARI Journals is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and case studies in the fields of arts, recreation and sports. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers to share their knowledge and experience on various aspects of arts, recreation and sports, such as history, theory, practice, management, education, culture, health, tourism, and development. The journal welcomes submissions from all over the world and encourages interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. The journal is indexed in several databases, such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, Slicit, Crossref among others. Open access journal database is for high visibility and promotion of your articles. By publishing in the journal, the authors retain the copyrights of their articles and can freely distribute and reuse them. The journal publishes monthly and accepts submissions throughout the year. The authors get certificates for publication upon acceptance of their manuscripts. Upon publication, the author(s) will be issued with a link to their publication and a pdf copy of the publication. The author(s) requiring hardcopy print of the issue in which their paper appears can make orders and this will be processed and paid for on demand. Publishing in CARI Journals is beneficial for the authors because it offers a fast and rigorous peer-review process, a wide dissemination of their work to a global audience, a high-quality editorial service, and a low publication fee. The journal also supports the development of arts, recreation and sports as academic disciplines and as social practices that enhance human well-being and creativity.