Perception of Players on the Coach Competence and Team Performance in the Kenyan National Soccer and Volleyball Leagues


  • Mucheke Charles Kenyatta University
  • Bailasha Nicholas University of Nairobi
  • Waiganjo Luka Boro Kenyatta University



Coach Competence, Team Performance, Players, Soccer, Volleyball


Purpose: The purpose of the study examine whether perception of players on the coach competence predict team performance in the Kenyan national soccer and volleyball leagues.

Methodology: The study adopted Cross-Sectional survey design.  The target population for the study included players and in the Kenyan soccer and volleyball national leagues in the 2020/21season. The population of the study was 878 players from the 53 teams including 288 females in the 16 teams of 18 players, and 168 males in the 12 teams of 14 players and 98 females in the 07 teams of 14 players in volleyball respectively. The study included players who were consistent in the respective leagues for the immediate last five years. The coaches and players were both male and female. The study used Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 22) for data analysis. Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact test were used.

Findings: Results above showed that soccer players perception on training and instruction had no significant effect on team ranking (P=0.000). In addition, volleyball players perception on training and instruction had no significant effect on team ranking (P=0.000). In addition, soccer players perception on democratic behaviour had no significant effect on team ranking (P=0.354). Further, volleyball players perception on democratic behaviour had no significant effect on team ranking (P=0.095). Further soccer players perception on autocratic behaviour had a significant effect on team ranking (P=0.000).

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The study focused on the Kenyan national leagues which are composed mainly of African race players. There is need to conduct a similar study in other leagues like in North Africa and middle east which consists of players mainly of Arab race, Asian continent which consists of players of Asian descent and the European and American leagues composed of players of mixed descents including the Negroid, Caucasoid and the Mongoloids


Author Biographies

Mucheke Charles, Kenyatta University


Bailasha Nicholas, University of Nairobi

Senior Lecturer

Waiganjo Luka Boro, Kenyatta University



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How to Cite

Mucheke, C., Bailasha, N., & Waiganjo, L. B. (2023). Perception of Players on the Coach Competence and Team Performance in the Kenyan National Soccer and Volleyball Leagues. International Journal of Arts, Recreation and Sports, 1(2), 1–26.


