Accountability as a Precursor to Improving the Performance of Local Governments: A Case in Lira District, Mid-North of Uganda


  • Jennifer Harriet Awor Lira University, Uganda
  • Victor Okuna Lira University, Uganda
  • David Mwesigwa Lira University, Uganda



Accountability, Performance, Stakeholder, Local Government, Services


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of accountability on the performance of Lira District Local Government.

Methodology: The research was conducted this study the Research Designs was cross-sectional and used using quantitative approach. Questionnaire was used for the purpose of collecting primary data from the respondents. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences where conclusions were drawn from tables, figures from the package. The study took on a sample of 70 employees from a population of 76.

Findings: The study findings reveled that administrative accountability positively influences the level of performance of Lira district local government, financial accountability does not while stakeholder engagement negatively influences the level of performance of the district. The study concluded that respondents believe administrative accountability boosts performance, service quality, and cost-effectiveness, but note its effectiveness depends on organizational culture and political factors. Financial accountability is seen as beneficial for organizational performance, but its effective implementation faces a number of challenges. Stakeholders see engagement boosting financial performance, productivity, brand loyalty, and customer satisfaction, but note challenges to effective engagement.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study contributes to the understanding of the practice and policy of local government performance from the perspective of accountability. The study suggested the need for Lira district to implement strong accountability mechanisms tailored to their organizational culture and political environment so as to enhance performance, service quality, and cost-effectiveness. Also, there is need to strengthen financial accountability mechanisms to enhance organizational performance, while addressing the specific challenges that hinder their effective implementation.


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Author Biographies

Jennifer Harriet Awor, Lira University, Uganda

BA Finalist, Public Administration and Management

Victor Okuna, Lira University, Uganda

MA, Public Administration and Management

David Mwesigwa, Lira University, Uganda

Assoc. Pro. Discipline of Public Administration and Management


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How to Cite

Awor, J. H., Okuna, V., & Mwesigwa, D. (2024). Accountability as a Precursor to Improving the Performance of Local Governments: A Case in Lira District, Mid-North of Uganda. International Journal of Developing Country Studies, 6(3), 63–82.


