Mathematical Insights into Large Language Models


  • Dr. Ranjith Gopalan. PhD



LLMs, Encoder-Decoder Architecture, Gradient Descent, Loss Functions, Training Algorithms, Parallel Modeling, Linear Algebra, Vectors, Tensors, Discrete Probability Distribution, Continuous Probability Distribution, Learning Rate.


Purpose: The paper presents an exhaustive examination of the mathematical frameworks that support the creation and operation of large language models. The document commences with an introduction to the core mathematical concepts that are foundational to large language models. It delves into the mathematical algorithms employed in training these models and scrutinizes how various mathematical notions influence their efficacy.

Methodology: Furthermore, it dissects the structure of large language models, analyzing the mathematical tenets that dictate their design and functionality. It also considers the mathematical logic underpinning these models' performance and the intricacies involved in their expansion. Additionally, it probes into the mathematical underpinnings of attention mechanisms within large language models, assessing how these mechanisms bolster the models' effectiveness and comprehensibility.

Findings: Subsequently, it examines the mathematical bases of attention mechanisms in large language models, considering how these mechanisms augment the models' efficiency and clarity. It also debates the mathematical methods for refining large language models and the hurdles faced in enhancing their interpretability. By understanding the mathematical foundations of LLMs, we can leverage insights from the algorithms and principles driving these models, thus enhancing their inventive output and broadening the horizons of design and artistic expression.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: Lastly, it ventures into the ethical considerations surrounding large language models, scrutinizing the mathematical aspects related to these concerns.


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Author Biography

Dr. Ranjith Gopalan. PhD

Sr Architect


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How to Cite

Gopalan, R. (2024). Mathematical Insights into Large Language Models. International Journal of Modern Statistics, 4(1), 14–32.


