A perspective review on the paradigm shift in Local Economic Development interventions in developmental Uganda
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate the success of one LED intervention - the youth livelihood program from obtainable literature.
Methodology: This study adopted a desk review method using secondary data from obtainable policy, theoretical and empirical literature.
Findings: Results suggest a recurrent problem in the selection of beneficiaries, inept business management skills of the youth selected and/or administrative incompetence of fund administrators. Consequently, the need to refocus the current training on agricultural value addition training with a view of meeting the credit value criteria of Commercial Banks and relevant agencies tasked with disbursement of Youth Entrepreneurship Funds is key.
Recommendations: It is encouraged that training of youth in business development, scaling, marketing, and management be integrated into the BTVET curriculum and supported by mentorship programs upon completion of their formal training. Also, mentorships and business incubators and/or hubs need to be set up and to be accessed by the youth themselves country wide.
Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: This analysis contributes to the LED policy and YLP practice seeing that it targets household level income generation, creation of prosperity and enhanced sources of revenue, as well as giving support to the active poor to progress basing on the available means.
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