Influence of Teachers' Attitude on Students' Geography Performance in Public Schools. A Critical Literature Review


  • Dr. Robert Kariuki Kenyatta University



Examine, Influence, Teachers' Attitude, Students' Geography Performance, and Public Schools


Purpose: The subject geography is taught with the objective that learners will acquire basic foundation skills so as to propel them towards making valuable contributions to the society. The overall objective of this study was to examine influence of teachers' attitude on students' geography performance in public schools. A critical literature review

Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps.

Findings: The findings of the study concluded that learners choose the subject of geography because they love and understand it. The learners have in mind the careers that they intend to pursue in future when they choose geography. Geography's diversity and scope also appealed to learners as a reason for choosing geography Friends have little influence in career aspiration choice. The teacher has an influence on the learner's choice for geography.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: Geography subject is relevant in understanding the major problems that face the society today. The subject also contributes in better understanding of the environment. Geography should be made compulsory among all the secondary school students because its importance in attaining a clean environment and sustainable development cannot be underestimated. The teacher should relate the problems faced in the society to the content that is being taught so that learners can have a real life experience on the aspects that they learn in class. This will boost the subject's importance in understanding the various problems faced in the society.


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Author Biography

Dr. Robert Kariuki, Kenyatta University

School of Statistics and Social Science


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