Influence of Geography on Various Career Choices in Africa. A Critical Literature Review


  • Dr. Robert Kariuki Kenyatta University



Influence, Geography, Various Career, Choices Africa


Purpose: Education and training should therefore consider the role of geography in instilling learners with basic foundation skills to tackle the various challenges faced in the society. The overall objective of this study was to examine influence of influence of Geography on various career choices in Africa. A critical literature review

Methodology: The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes and to extract knowledge gaps.

Findings: The findings of the study indicate that a large percentage of students aspire to pursue careers that are related to Geographic Information systems (GIS) and cartography. Careers in economic geography and physical geography follow closely. The least aspired careers by students are those related to geographic education and regional geography. This shows that learners aspire for careers that are related to information and communication technology because GIS entails use of computers while cartography also entails use of computer technology such as Google maps and Global Positioning System (GPS).The fact that geography has a topic on map interpretation makes the learners to be familiar with map work; this could also be a reason why they have an interest in cartography.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study recommends that the importance of geography subject should be emphasized on learners at the early stages of secondary school such as form one and two. This will enable the learners to make informed subject choice because it will have an impact on their career prospects. Students who love geography subject should be encouraged to study it and encouraged to pursue careers related to geography in tertiary colleges and university. More learners should be encouraged by teachers and parents to choose geography because it covers a wide scope in terms of socio-economic activities that man is involved in. This will make the learner to be an all-round person who can bring development to the society.


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Author Biography

Dr. Robert Kariuki, Kenyatta University

School of Statistics and Social Science


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