Will Experience of Violence, Self Worth and Dispositional Factors Influence The Subjective Happiness of Women?
Violence against Women, Self-esteem, Personality factors, Subjective happinessAbstract
Purpose: The present study examines the joint and independent influence of violence against women, self esteem and personality factors on subjective happiness.
Methodology:The study adopted a cross sectional research design and a purposive sampling approach in the selection of participants. Three hundred and two university students were selected from two Institutions. Data was collected through the administration of a structured questionnaire on socio-demographic profile, violence against Women scale, self esteem scale, personality scale and subjective happiness scale to participants. Retrieved data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t- test analysis and regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance.
Results reveal that VAW independently influenced subjective happiness and there is a joint prediction of VAW, self esteem and personality factors on subjective happiness(R2 =.14; F= 6.92; P< .05) . Thus, this study has implications for intervention to prevent women from violence being perpetrated against them in order to ensure their subjective happiness or ensure they have a good life. In order to reduce the impact of violence on subjective happiness, it is important to investigate the personality traits of victims as well as improve their level of self worth.
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