Exploration on the Effect of Operations Strategy on Performance of Media Council of Kenya


  • John Mwangi Munyiri Kenya Methodist University
  • Dr. Nancy Rintari Kenya Methodist University
  • Abel Moguche Kenya Methodist University




Cash Flow Concern, Media Council of Kenya, Operations Strategy, Performance


Purpose: To explore the effect of operations strategy on performance of Media Council of Kenya.

Methodology: Descriptive research design was used in MCK offices in Nairobi County. This study targeted 96 employees of the Media Council of Kenya selected using census method. The data collection tools were interview guides and structured questionnaires for managers and officers respectively. The pre-test was done at Communications Authority of Kenya [CAK] where two managers and 8 operational staff were included. Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was used to test reliability while validity was measured by criterion, content and face types of validity. The analysis process was done using SPSS version 24 to generate various statistics reports. Appropriate diagnostic tests for assumptions of regression analysis were carried out accordingly. Specific descriptive statistics which were used comprised of mean, percentages and standard deviations, regression analysis was also be used to test the hypotheses of the study. Data was presented using tables and explanations.

Results: There was a general agreement that MCK was always very keen to ensure that formulated operations strategies are implemented in required timelines (mean of 4.86). This was because 75 (89%) strongly agreed and 8(10%) agreed with that. However, it was noted that the funding on operation strategy budget was not adequately provided (mean of 2.45). This was because 43(51%) strongly disagreed and 40(48%) disagreed.

The interview results revealed that timelines of undertaking the assigned tasks were very important in improving performance. Nevertheless, there were still challenges facing the operations teams beginning with covid-19. However, capitalizing on various sources of funds was a key strategy implemented in various strategies particularly on the electioneering period in Kenya. Operation strategy had an R of 0.639 and R-square of 0.408. This therefor meant that operation strategy had 40.8% influence of performance of MCK. The significance level was 0.000 which was less than 0.05. This phenomenon enabled the study reject the null hypothesis which has previously stated that there is no significance effect of operation strategy on performance of Media Council of Kenya.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The departmental needs were not adequately met on time hence delaying the various operations that could not proceed without the required resources. The recommendation on operations strategy is that the MCK management should come up with a system that aids staff on knowing what they are supposed to do and with what resources. When this is known, it will enable the staff raise concerns on any shortages of resources on time for timely resource allocation. If the whole fraternity of MCK interacts with the system on daily basis, it would be very hard to miss out on any requests as compared to calling or word of mouth.


Author Biographies

Dr. Nancy Rintari, Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration

Abel Moguche, Kenya Methodist University

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Munyiri, J. M. ., Rintari, N. R., & Moguche, A. M. (2022). Exploration on the Effect of Operations Strategy on Performance of Media Council of Kenya. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 7(3), 30–48. https://doi.org/10.47941/jbsm.1014


