
  • Miriam Mbuthia The Kenya Institute of Management
  • Miss Jane Kariuki The Kenya Institute of Management




competition, growth, legal practices, management competencies, management of working capital, technology


Purpose: The study sought to determine the factors affecting growth of the brewery sector with a special focus on Keroche Breweries.    

Methodology: A descriptive case study design was used in this study. A population of 38 managers originating from various departments was identified. A census was preferred instead of a sample as the population was small enough to warrant the inclusion of 100 percent of the population in to the sample of respondents. The preferred data collection instrument was a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of both open and close ended questions.  The collected data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics such as percentage means, median and mode. The findings were presented using graphs and charts

Results: Findings in this study indicated that management competence, legal constraints, competition, working capital management and technology are factors that explain the growth of Keroche Breweries. While some of these factors may have affected the growth of Keroche Breweries positively, others affected it negatively.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: It was recommended that the management of Keroche Breweries should enhance those factors that contribute positively to its growth while taking action in lobbying the government to address those factors that are not within Keroche Breweries control. Possible areas of future study include corporate governance mechanism and their impact on the performance of the Brewery Sector.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Mbuthia, The Kenya Institute of Management

Diploma student

Miss Jane Kariuki, The Kenya Institute of Management



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How to Cite

Mbuthia, M., & Kariuki, M. J. (2016). FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH OF THE BREWERY SECTOR IN KENYA: A CASE STUDY OF KEROCHE BREWERIES LTD. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 1(1), 74–91. https://doi.org/10.47941/jbsm.11


