Strategy Implementation Practices and Performance of Humanitarian and Development Organisations
Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure, Organizational Leadership, Resource Allocation, Donor Funding Conditions, and Humanitarian OrganizationsAbstract
Purpose: The field of humanitarian and development groups has grown more significant in recent years in tackling crucial socioeconomic concerns in regions afflicted by crises, catastrophes, and conflicts. This study is a systematic literature review of strategy implementation practices and performance of humanitarian and development organizations (HDOs). The general objective of this study is to examine the effect of strategy implementation practices on performance of HDOs, followed by specific objectives, which are to investigate the effect of organizational culture, structure, leadership and resource allocation on performance of HDOs; to evaluate the moderating effect of donor funding conditions on the relationship between strategic implementation practices on performance of HDOs. The stakeholder theory, resource-based theory, and agency theory all serve as foundations for this research.
Methodology: A total of 108 articles were identified and systematically reviewed. The research method was customized for three databases: Emerald, google scholar, and EBSCO. The keywords used were: "Strategy implementation practices" AND, "performance "AND "Humanitarian organization" OR "development organization" These researches were conducted between 2017 and 2023. Only scientific journals and research reports published in English and French were admitted. The study was focused on African, Asian and American countries. At this level, 38 records had been excluded, and 70 articles had been extracted. All duplication was extensively scrutinized, the abstracts of the papers were thoroughly verified for deeper analysis in order to ensure the quality and relevance of academic paper. The exclusion criterion was that papers must be publishable in English and must be from the above cited databases and countries. Following the removal of duplicate records, 29 more articles were eliminated. Finally, we chose 41 relevant articles and the below features were extracted: original journal articles, research reports published, articles related to the relevant field in strategy implementation and performance of humanitarian organizations, published within 2017 and 2023.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends, techniques for collecting and analyzing data, both qualitative and quantitative, should be used. This provides a more detailed and conclusive study finding
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