What is the Conceptual Framework of NPO Community Elderly Care from Stakeholder Perspectives: A Content-Analysis Based Review
Nonprofit Organizations, Community Elderly Care, Stakeholder Theory, MultiSubject Participation, Content-Based Analysis ReviewAbstract
Purpose: To clarify the distinctive roles and to explore a systematic understanding of the service system of NPO community elderly care, this study seeks to construct a theoretical basis for this industry from the stakeholder perspective.
Methodology: This study adopted the content-based analysis literature review to screen relevant studies to explore insights in formulating the theoretical basis for NPO community elderly care. This study made a synthesis and comparison of the definitions, theory schools, and typologies of stakeholder theory.
Findings: Themes of the development, classifications of stakeholder theory, and the practices of NPO community elderly care from stakeholder perspectives were coded. It was found that Wheeler and Sillanpa (1998)'s stakeholder model, as a theoretical prototype, helps to explain the roles of stakeholders from social dimensions.
Unique contributions to theory, policy and practice: this study contributed to constructing a conceptual framework exclusively for the industry of NPO community elderly care. In this way, it is implicated to lend some theoretical basis for clarifying the distinctive positions of stakeholders for the management of NPO and relevant stakeholders to overcome the challenges during the practice and providing insights for stakeholders (e.g., the government, NPOs) to promote the sustainable development of this industry.
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