License Master Doctorate (LMD) System Strategic Implementation and It's Influence on Academic Performance in Democratic Republic of Congo: A Literature Review
License-Master-Doctorate System Leadership, Resources, Structure, and Academic PerformanceAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review on the influence of Strategic Implementation of License-Master-Doctorate System on academic performance. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the influence of leadership on academic performance in Public Universities in DRC; to determine the influence of resources on academic performance in Public Universities in DRC; and to ascertain the influence of structure on academic performance in Public Universities in DRC. The study was anchored on situational leadership theory, resource based view theory and structural contingency theory.
Findings: The literature showed that the License-Master-Doctorate system is being adopted mostly in African French speaking countries. It was also concluded that the various concepts of strategic implementation of LMD system have been dominantly applied in the western context where the LMD system was earlier adopted than in the African context. The study also concluded that the implementation of the LMD system has significantly improved academic performance.
Unique contributions to theory, practice and policy: The study recommends that the government being in-charge of public universities should ensure that these institutions are managed by competent leaders who are professionals. This will ensure that they are able to set vision, communicate effectively to the staff and students, motivate the employees to do their best as they implement the LMD system and also to be accountable for their actions. It is also recommended that public university management should adequately utilize the available resources to enhance academic performance. In addition, the management should collaborate with private organizations like Non-Governmental organizations to get more resources for their institutions. Another recommendation is that the university management should be responsive to organization change especially in the implementation of the LMD system and put in place adequate controls to ensure that the employees do not deviate from the overall vision.
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