Impact of Strategic Organisational Resources on Performance of Church Based Saccos in Nairobi County


  • Gertrude Wambui Gitau Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Susan K. Lewa, PhD Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



Purpose: The factors impacting the implementation of strategic plans in Nairobi County's church-based SACCOs were the subject of the study. It examined the research on how strategic organizational resources affect an organization's performance. The study's four goals were to ascertain the impact of human resources on church-based SACCO performance, investigate the impact of financial resources on church-based SACCO performance in Nairobi County, establish the impact of intellectual resources on church-based SACCO performance, and ascertain the impact of physical resources on church-based SACCO performance in Nairobi County.

Methodology: The 95 management personnel in Nairobi County's church-based SACCOs served as the target group for this research project, which used a descriptive survey methodology using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data for this investigation, which was collected directly from respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect qualitative data, which was then evaluated using descriptive statistics and represented using percentages, means, and frequencies. The information also was also presented by use of frequency tables .Pilot study was done on 9 companies which is 10% of the sample drawn from Nairobi County. The pilot study's results demonstrated the validity and dependability of the research instruments. The Cronbach's Alpha for each variable was more than 0.7. Descriptive and inferential analysis were used to analyze the data that was collected. In this investigation, a multiple regression model was applied. The predictive ability of the model was assessed using R 2, and its fitness was assessed using the F-statistic. The P-values of each variable at the 0.05 level of significance were used to determine the importance of the research factors in impacting SACCO performance.

Findings: The study's findings showed that while strategic human, financial, and physical resources were used to a moderate level, strategic intellectual resources were emphasized to a greater extent. The findings also revealed a positive association between performance and all independent variables, with the exception of strategic human resource, which had a negative correlation. In addition, strategic human, financial, intellectual, and physical resources all had a statistically significant impact in predicting the effectiveness of Nairobi County's church-based SACCOs. The study came to the conclusion that church-based SACCO performance in Nairobi County was significantly influenced by strategic resources.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Based on these findings, the study suggests that CB-SACCO management should place an emphasis on acquiring and optimally configuring strategic resources so that they may use them effectively to maximize performance.


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Author Biographies

Gertrude Wambui Gitau, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Susan K. Lewa, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

School of Business and Entrepreneurship


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How to Cite

Gitau, G. W. ., & Lewa, . S. K. . (2023). Impact of Strategic Organisational Resources on Performance of Church Based Saccos in Nairobi County. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 8(6), 1–24.


