Determinants of Efficient Healthcare Service Delivery Among Public Hospitals in Kenya: A Case of Makueni County Referral Hospital


  • Petronilla Mbesa Juma United States International University
  • Prof. Allan Kihara Ph.D. United States International University



Purpose: The primary goal of the study was to determine the factors that contributed to an efficient healthcare service delivery in Makueni County Referral Hospital, Makueni County. The study specifically aimed at establishing the influence of health infrastructure, the effects of human capital and organizational culture on the efficiency of healthcare service delivery in Makueni County Referral Hospital.

Methodology: The study employed a descriptive research design, targeting 132 outpatient department staff at Makueni County Referral Hospital. Stratified sampling and Likert-scale structured questionnaires were used to collect data. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, including frequencies and percentages, and SPSS version 22 for multiple regression analysis.

Findings: Results were presented using charts and graphs. For healthcare infrastructure, a strong positive correlation was found (r = 0.604**, p < 0.01), indicating that as infrastructure quality improves, healthcare service efficiency increases. The regression coefficient of healthcare infrastructure (Beta = 0.604, p < 0.001) reinforces the importance of investments. Regarding human capital, the Pearson correlation shows a robust positive correlation (r = 0.588**, p < 0.01), indicating that a skilled workforce enhances efficiency. The regression coefficient (Beta = 0.588, p < 0.001) signifies the impact of education and training. For Pearson Correlation on organizational culture, a significant positive correlation was detected (r = 0.526**, p < 0.01), highlighting its role in improving healthcare efficiency. The regression coefficient (Beta = 0.526, p < 0.001) emphasizes the importance of fostering a positive culture. The study concludes that inadequate healthcare infrastructure, storage deficiencies, and the absence of Quality Control Systems significantly hamper efficient healthcare delivery. The study also affirms the crucial role of human capital in efficient healthcare delivery, with staff training, teamwork, and competency directly influencing service efficiency. The study further establishes the vital role of organizational culture in efficient healthcare delivery, emphasizing the need for healthcare institutions to cultivate a culture prioritizing efficiency and quality to enhance service delivery.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice, and Policy: The study recommends improving medical storage capabilities through efficient inventory management and staff training can ensure the timely availability of essential supplies. Concerning human capital, fostering effective teamwork and collaboration among healthcare staff is critical for streamlined service delivery. Regarding organizational culture, the study recommends addressing concerns related to planning, cooperation, adherence to guidelines, and staff support.


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Author Biographies

Petronilla Mbesa Juma, United States International University

Chandaria School of Business

Prof. Allan Kihara Ph.D., United States International University

Chandaria School of Business


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How to Cite

Juma, P. M., & Kihara, A. . (2023). Determinants of Efficient Healthcare Service Delivery Among Public Hospitals in Kenya: A Case of Makueni County Referral Hospital. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 8(6), 83–107.


