Digitization and Citizens’ Satisfaction with Land Services in Rwanda
Digitization, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Land Services, Service Quality MeasurementAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine whether there is a relationship between digitization and service quality of land services and to establish if the relationship is significant.
Methodology: The study used a quantitative research approach to collect the data. A probability sampling technique was employed to choose a sample of 2,229 respondents from a population of 47,260 land service customers. A bivariate correlation analysis was conducted for all questions and the Pearson correlation coefficient was statistically significant with a value less than 0.05. Using Cronbach’s Alpha calculation, reliability was tested and produced a value of 0.946 > 0.7 which demonstrates excellent reliability of the tool. An ordinal logistic regression method was applied to model the relationship between one outcome variable and seven predictor variables.
Findings: the research findings show that the seven elements of digitization have a significant influence on the satisfaction of customers with land services. The element with the highest influence is the digitization of land services preserves the security of land information effectively (6.555); digitization of land services reduces the cost of land transfer services (6.476); digitization of land services increases quality and consistency in land services provision (6.096); digitization of land transfer services offers easy access to files and information (6.049); digitization of land services minimizes corruption (5.937); digitization of land services reduces human error (5.863) and digitization of land services reduces the time to process land documents (5.745).
Contribution to Theory, Policy, and Practice: Establishing if digitization can measure service quality is a new aspect that the study adds to the body of knowledge. The researchers recommend that digitization be added to the dimensions that measure service quality in ways that take into consideration study contexts
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