The Role of Technological Innovations in Improving Oil Extraction Efficiency in South Sudan
Technological Innovations, Oil Extraction EfficiencyAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the role of technological innovations in improving oil extraction efficiency in South Sudan, with a specific focus on recovery rates, operational costs, reservoir management, and real-time data accuracy.
Methodology: In the research, a descriptive methodology was used to find out the effect of the contributing factors on the oil production results.
Findings: Results show that EOR methods, such as reactive injection of water (CW), clearly increase the recovery yield, and reactive injection of gas (GE) technologies obviously enhance the recovery efficiency and the energy security. Further, real-time information systems and modern reservoir management techniques facilitate better decision-making, more efficient production activities and are also scarcity-reducing. Nonetheless, development of South Sudan's oil sector is constrained by the presence of outdated infrastructure, lack of technical ability and insufficient funding for technology.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The conclusion reached from the study is that these innovations are necessary to help with maximizing resource use, to help with cost reduction and to enable sustainable development in the country's oil industry. Target areas of advice include giving importance to EOR methods, incorporating real-time data technology, and developing technical capacity to modernise the South Sudan oil industry.
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