Management structure, Quality Service, Mission Hospitals, Meru CountyAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between management structure and quality service delivery in mission hospitals in Meru County
Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design and primary data was collected from respondents while secondary data was retrieved from published sources. The author used questionnaires as the data collection instrument. The target population was one hundred twenty-eight (128) respondents from the mission hospitals in Meru County of Kenya. A pilot study was conducted at Chuka mission hospital in Tharaka Nithi County to establish the reliability of the research instruments. There were eight categories of respondents indicating CEO, Finance Officer, Human Resource Manager, Customer Care Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, Patient, Supplier and Neighbor. The questionnaires were distributed to one person in each category in each hospital making a total of eight questionnaires. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 23 and further explained using descriptive statistics and percentages to enhance understanding and presented in tables and graphs. The study utilized Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation to describe the association among the variables and establish strength of the relationship between dependent and independent variables.
Results: Inferential statistics were used to arrive at the findings where deductions and relationships were established. The findings revealed that there existed a positive relationship between management structure and quality service delivery of mission hospitals in the county as manifested by the inferential results(r = 0.339; p-value < 0.05). After carrying out regression analysis, the research indicated that management structure was insignificant in explaining quality service delivery of mission hospitals.
Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice:
This study recommends top management implement initiatives aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of management structure to achieve high-quality service delivery in health care provision. The study recommends a project management approach in periodic monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of management structure.
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