
  • Catherine W. Ndung'u University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Vincent Machuki University of Nairobi



competition, competitive strategies, drivers of competition, sustainable competitive advantage, SWOT analysis.


Purpose: The focus of this study was on assessment of competitive strategies adopted by players in the beer industry in Kenya

Methodology: The study adopted a cross sectional descriptive survey research design. There are 11 players in beer industry operating in Kenya. The research therefore took the form of a census study covering all the players in the beer industry in Kenya since the population of 11 firms was considered small enough. Eleven questionnaires were given out though only 10 were considered fit for data analysis. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Findings indicated that players in beer industry in Kenya were faced by several forces that shape competition. These included competitive rivalry, threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers and customers, globalization, regulation and information technology. Players in beer industry in Kenya used cost leadership strategy as a competitive strategy since they attempt to reduce their operational costs in order to deliver the product at the lowest prices. It was also possible to conclude that players in beer industry in Kenya use differentiation as a competitive strategy since they have invested in product research. Players in beer industry in Kenya also used focus as a competitive strategy since they have products for different types of consumers. It was also possible to infer from this study that players in beer industry in Kenya used value disciplines as a competitive strategy.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that players in beer industry should carry out constant environment scanning so as to be able to identify the various forces that affect their operations. In addition, they needed to adopt strategic planning as a tool for planning against any unforeseen events that may destabilize the operations of the company.  Finally, it was recommended that these players needed to continue using the various competitive strategies. However, they also needed to factor in the concept of strategy fit by considering the internal capabilities and resources of the firm.


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Author Biographies

Catherine W. Ndung'u, University of Nairobi

Post graduate student

Dr. Vincent Machuki, University of Nairobi



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How to Cite

Ndung'u, C. W., & Machuki, D. V. (2016). COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES ADOPTED BY PLAYERS IN THE BEER INDUSTRY IN KENYA. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 1(1), 34–52.


