
  • Lotoot Ekitela Solomon Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Dr. Antony Sije, PhD Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology




Purpose: The study focused on determining the impact of strategic planning practices on the success of Save the Children International. The study examined the impact of budgetary allocation on the success of Save the Children, strategic decision-making practices, strategic communication, and environmental analysis. Theory of Resource Dependency, Theory of Stakeholders, and Strategy Fit Theory anchored the study.

Methodology: Description of the study's research design was used. The 46 employees of Save the Children were the target population which included program officers, communication and dissemination officers, administrative officers, and community workers. Census was used to collect data from all targeted respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires. SPSS version 25 was used to analyze data. This study used measures of central tendency to describe the data. Presentations were made in tabular form.

Findings: The study findings revealed that, both budgetary allocation, strategic decision making, environmental analysis and governance have a positive effect of the success of organizations. The study concluded that, budget practices in the organization is effective and has positively affected on the NGO performance. The study also concluded that, strategic decision-making practices have a greater impact on the senior management and the board it was also concluded that, strategic decision-making practices gives managers an opportunity to quickly identify challenges during implementation. The study concluded that, strategic communication enhances satisfaction and team success and can only be accomplished with effective communication. The study concluded that, the SCI has not adopted modern technology in communication. The study concluded that, the SCI operates in politically and culturally non-conducive environments which has affected their performance to a great extent.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that, the SCI should provide enough funds for budgeting activities to enable them to run their budgeting effectively. Decisions should be made strategically with an aim of enhancing strategic performance by SCI. Before deciding on where to establish the NGO, the management should ensure that prosper scanning is done to ensure that the organization is not affected with the area politics. Further studies should therefore be conducted to determine the effect of budget allocation, strategic communication, environmental analysis, and governance of the success of the NGOs.


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Author Biographies

Lotoot Ekitela Solomon, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

College of Human Resource and Development

Dr. Antony Sije, PhD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

College of Human Resource and Development


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How to Cite

Solomon, L. E. ., & Sije, A. . (2022). EFFECTS OF STRATEGIC PLANNING PRACTICES ON SUCCESS OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION IN TURKANA COUNTY: A CASE OF SAVE THE CHILDREN. Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 7(1), 29–48. https://doi.org/10.47941/jbsm.832


