The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication Infrastructure


  • Matt K. Nkrumah Rhodes University



5G Technology, Communication Infrastructure, Telecommunication Impact, Network Evolution, Digital Connectivity


Purpose: The main objective of this study was to investigate the impact of 5G technology on communication infrastructure.

Methodology: The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive's time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library.

Findings: The findings revealed that there exists a contextual and methodological gap relating to the impact of 5G technology on communication infrastructure. Preliminary empirical review revealed that the significance of equitable access to 5G technology. As demonstrated, the adoption and impact of 5G can vary widely depending on factors such as geographic location, socioeconomic status, and cultural diversity. Bridging the digital divide and ensuring that underserved communities have access to advanced communication infrastructure remains a critical challenge. Policymakers, telecommunication companies, and community leaders must work collaboratively to address these disparities and ensure that the benefits of 5G are inclusive and accessible to all.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The Diffusion of Innovations theory, Resource Dependency theory and the Structuration theory may be used to anchor future studies on 5G technology. The study emphasized the need for equitable expansion of 5G network coverage, particularly in underserved rural areas. Second, it calls for robust network security measures and data privacy regulations to safeguard user information. Third, the study promotes innovation and public-private partnerships to harness the full potential of 5G technology. Fourth, it highlights the importance of integrating 5G capabilities into disaster preparedness and response plans to enhance communication infrastructure resilience. Finally, the study stresses environmental sustainability by advocating for energy-efficient network components and eco-friendly deployment practices.


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How to Cite

Nkrumah, M. . (2024). The Impact of 5G Technology on Communication Infrastructure. Journal of Communication, 4(1), 43–55.


