About the Journal

Journal of Climate Policy is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, and commentaries on all aspects of climate policy. The journal is hosted by CARI Journals under ISSN: 2958-2431 (Online) and DOI: 10.47941/jcp. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences on the challenges and opportunities of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The journal covers topics such as climate science, economics, law, ethics, politics, communication, education, health, and security. The journal is global in scope and welcomes contributions from authors from different regions and disciplines. As an open access journal, Journal of Climate Policy allows free and unlimited access to its content for readers and researchers worldwide. Open access also enhances the visibility and impact of the published articles, as they can be easily found and cited by other scholars and stakeholders. The authors retain the copyrights of their articles and grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish them online. The journal is indexed in several databases, such as Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, Slicit, Crossref and many more. This ensures that the journal meets the quality standards and criteria of these indexing services and that the articles are widely disseminated and accessible. The journal publishes articles on a monthly basis and provides a fast and rigorous peer-review process. The authors are notified of the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within four weeks of submission. Upon publication, the authors are issued with a link to their online publication and a pdf copy of their article. The authors can also request a hardcopy print of the issue in which their article appears, which will be processed and paid for on demand.