Trend Analysis for Temperature and Precipitation Extreme Events over the Headwater of Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia
Purpose: Increased trends in extreme climate events such as prolonged hot or cold days and intensively rainy days or consecutive dry days have greater negative impacts on society. While studies are conducted on climate variability and impacts most of them focus on the mean climatologies. Extrem events of Tempertaure and preciptation however have profound effect on human health and the environment. The present study aims to examine the spatial and temporal characteristics of means and extremes of temperature and precipitation events in the Tana-Beles Sub-basin for the 1980-2015 periods.
Methodology: Daily temperature and preciptaion time series was collected from the Ethiopian meteorological institute covering the 1980-2015. From the daily climate variables 22 daily extreme climate indices are calculated based on the Expert Team on Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-SCI) definitions.
Findings: The Monthly, seasonal and annual temperatures show mostly increasing trends. The mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures increased slightly, respectively, by 0.047 and 0.014 oC/yr. The frequency of cold days/nights has reduced by 33/38 days/nights annually; whereas, the frequency of warm days/nights has increased by 91/83 days/nights. The mean monthly, seasonal and annual precipitations also show mostly increasing trends.Among the selected precipitation indices the number of very heavy rain days (R20mm), Simple Daily Intensity Index (SDII), very wet days exceeding the 95th percentile (R95p), and annual total wet days precipitation (RCPTOT) shows increasing trend; whereas, only the maximum 1-day precipitation (Rx1day), show an insignificant decreasing trend. Precipitation during the study period shows high variability spatially and temporally.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The study reveals increasing in number of hot days and vraible prciptation events, hence measures must be taken to reduce risks of extreme tempertures such as direct effect and indirect malaria distributions to new areas that have been cold before, and agricultural advised forming is also suggested to cope with the variabilities of prciptation.
Keywords: Climate trends; extremes climate events; Temperature and rainfall; and Tana-Beles Sub basins.
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