Advanced Carbon Management: Innovations in Materials and Process Integration for Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (CCSU)
Carbon Capture, Storage And Utilization (Ccsu), Climate Change Mitigation, Regulatory Frameworks, Economic Incentives, Technological Advancements, International Cooperation, Policy Recommendations.Abstract
Purpose: This article systematically explores the complex landscape of Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (CCSU) technologies, emphasizing their critical role in global climate change mitigation. The article aims to provide a strategic framework for stakeholders to understand the integration of CCSU technologies into the broader energy and environmental policy landscape.
Methodology: Through an integrated approach, this study examines the latest technological advancements in CCSU, studies the global regulatory frameworks influencing these technologies, and analyzes the economic factors that drive or obstruct their adoption. It also involves evaluating the role of international cooperation in standardizing and disseminating best practices for CCSU implementations worldwide.
Findings: The study highlights the profound impact of legislative and financial mechanisms on the pace and scope of CCSU technology deployment. It discusses the potential of innovative materials and processes to reduce costs and increase the efficacy of carbon capture and storage. Furthermore, the review provides valuable insights into the current state and future prospects of CCSU technologies.
Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The article emphasizes the necessity of robust research and development, supported by a conducive policy environment and strategic economic incentives, to enhance the efficiency, scalability, and commercial viability of CCSU technologies. It concludes with targeted recommendations for policymakers, suggesting ways to refine regulatory approaches and foster market conditions conducive to rapid CCSU adoption.
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