Prescribed Fire as a Tool for Management of Grasslands
Fire intensity, fire severity, grassland, prescribed fireAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate how prescribed fire as a tool can be used for the management of grasslands with specific questions: (i) What is the importance of prescribed fire? (ii) What is the importance of grasslands?
Methodology: The methodology used was systematic literature review and the findings were; prescribed fire is useful in: reduction of fuels, altering vegetation communities, improving wildlife habitat, releasing of nutrients, removing seed dormancy and helps in killing disease vectors while grasslands are useful in provision of grass for ruminants, Grass for perfumes, alcohols and beverage, Ecosystem services, Climate regulation, Erosion prevention, Tourism, recreation, and hunting, Cultural heritage, spiritual, and social cohesion.
Findings: In conclusion, based on the provisions of prescribed fire and grasslands, there is every need to use prescribed fire in grasslands management.
Unique Contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: For managers intending to use this tool, I recommend that a smaller area of less than ten hectares of grassland should be used for experiment first and results observed. After that, then larger areas can be burnt because the manager would have gotten the necessary skills and competency. The objectives of using prescribed fire should be well stated.
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