Adapter Le Systeme Alimentaire Rd Congolais Au Changement Climatique


  • Kanga-Kanga Mfuni René Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA); Ecole Supérieure des ingénieurs industriels (ESI/UNILU)
  • Badibanga Kasumpa David
  • Kanyeba Mwakabubi Silvie Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)
  • Ngoie Nsenga Gédéon Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)
  • Nkusu Mubembe Georgette Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)
  • Kavugho Sivayiketera Esperance Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)
  • Ngoie Kishiko Teddy Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)



Adapt - Food system - DRC - Climate change


Purpose: This research on "Adapting the DR Congolese food system to climate change" aims to make available scientific data likely to curb the divide between potential wealth and food security on the one hand and to realize the state of research on the subject on the other hand.

Methodology: We carried out documentary research using the digital network for data collection. We consulted articles published in international journals, activity reports of specialized structures (UN, OECD). Certain programs and documents developed by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the DRC. At the end of the compilation, we proceeded to the objective analysis of the capacities of the DRC to want to overcome climate hazards.

Finding: At the end of our investigations, we estimate that efforts to adapt to climate change in the DRC are at the embryonic and fragmentary stage. There is no inclusive, coherent and binding policy for adaptation to climate change. We insist on the fact that "Adapting the DR Congolese food system to climate change" must be considered as a four-link cycle including: Implementation of the general principles of combating and/or mitigating GHG emissions, Research and development with substantial investment, Transformation of GHGs, waste, etc, Finally, the fourth link that completes the cycle; it is the range of solutions in terms of reactions, responses, advice, awareness of the entire national community.

Recommendation: To adapt the Congolese food system to climate change; it will require a synergy of activities spread across the four links forming the planning cycle


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Author Biography

Badibanga Kasumpa David

Centre de recherche agro-alimentaire (CRAA)


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How to Cite

René, K.-K. M., Badibanga , D. . K., Kanyeba, S. M., Ngoie, G. N., Nkusu , G. M., Kavugho , E. . S., & Ngoie , T. K. (2024). Adapter Le Systeme Alimentaire Rd Congolais Au Changement Climatique. Journal of Environment, 4(3), 82–95.


