Performance of Interspersed Loading of Animal Waste of Cattle Dung and Vegetable Waste of Brassica oleracea in Continuous Anaerobic Digester
Cattle, Dung, Vegetable waste, Brassica oleracea , Continuous, DigesterAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to explore the addition of vegetable waste of Brassica oleracea interspersed with cattle dung into a continuous anaerobic digester that normally uses cattle dung as a substrate.
Methodology: In this work, a 200-liter continuous anaerobic digester was operated to conduct the research. The digester was filled fully with cattle dung and water (50%:50%). The digester then was operated by continuously adding every day with a 5-liter mixture of waste Brassica oleracea and water (50%:50%) for odd days and a mixture of cattle dung and water (50%:50%) for even days interspersed.
Findings: The CH4 content is in the range of 22-60 % with average value 36.8%. The CO2 content in the range 33-68% with average 44.3%. The pH of slurry inside an anaerobic digester is found in the range 6.6-7.6 with average value. 7.0. The addition of Brassica oleracea puts the pH in the range of about neutral for all 30 days. The temperature inside a continuous anaerobic digesterisin the range 30oC- 37oC and average 33.6oC which is still in the range of mesophilic condition. For the note, the ambient temperature outside the digester, lowest30oC, highest 35oC and average 32.2oC .
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Cattle waste and Brassica oleracea vegetable waste can be processed in a continuous anaerobic digester by feeding it interspersed. In this way, pretreatment and acclimatization are not needed
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